Diploma in Tourism Management

  • KNEC past papers
  • Course outline
  • Notes

Module I

  1. Fundamentals of tourism
  2. Fauna, Flora and Touristic Geography
  3. Tour guiding techniques
  4. Touristic history
  5. Travel operations and customer care
  6. Communication
  7. French Paper 1
  8. Tourism economics
  9. Information communication technology(Theory)
  10. Information communication technology(Practical)
  11. Entrepreneurship education
  12. Life skills

Module II

  1. Tour operations
  2. Travel agency
  3. Fundamentals of hotel operations
  4. Public Relations
  5. Tourism accounting
  6. Tourism economics II
  7. Astronomy
  8. Tourism geography
  9. Foreign language II
  10. Business plan

Module III

  1. Principles and practices of management
  2. Tourism policy and planning
  3. Tourism product development
  4. Ecotourism
  5. Tourism marketing
  6. Tourism Law III
  7. French

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